By: Kelli Wilson
Fill up before trick-or-treating
Try eating your healthy IP snack or dinner before heading out. Another trick is to prepare your evening IP snack before you head out. Try cutting your favorite IP bar into bite size pieces and freezing them. Then when you return from trick-or-treating, you can enjoy a sweet treat with everyone while staying on track!
Get Exercise While Your Kids Trick-or-Treat
Walk with your children from house to house instead of driving them. Make a friendly game out of it by seeing who’s most active for the night; have your friends or family members track their evening with their apple watch, pedometer, or Fitbit, to see who wins!
Hand out healthier food options, toothbrushes, and/or toys
By choosing more healthy options or by passing out non-edible treats, you are less likely to be tempted to indulge yourself!
Party success
If you are planning to attend a Halloween party, bring a dish that you can enjoy along with everyone else. Get creative by making fun veggie tray or check out Janeva’s Ideal Recipes for ideas.
Make a Plan
Make a plan for the candy…the main goal being to get that candy out of the house! No matter how much “self-control” you have – you will eat it if it’s in the house and so will your kids. Check with your family dentist or see if there is a dental office near you that is taking in candy in trade for fun items. You can also have your children make two candy piles 50/50: one for the candy they want to keep, another for the candy they will not eat. Consider donating the second pile Ronald McDonald House, or another wonderful charity. In the process, children can learn a valuable lesson about givingJ
Drink Up
Don’t forget to stay hydrated!