Plan and prepare!
If you have kids and you are making them Easter Baskets you may want to avoid including your favorite treats! If you know that Peeps or Cadbury will tempt you too much, maybe skip them this year.
Better yet, help improve your kid’s health too by filling their baskets with coloring books, iTunes cards, nail polish and coins/money, etc.!
Also, make a plan for the holiday sweets and treats…the main goal being to get the foods that are not IP friendly out of the house after the party! No matter how much “self-control” you have – you will likely eat it if it’s in the house and so will your kids. Pack up any left overs and sweets that aren’t on your list and send them home with friends and family to enjoy.
Try eating your healthy IP snack or meal before heading out. Another trick is to prepare your IP snack before you head out. Try cutting your favorite IP bar into bite size pieces and freezing them in colorful cellophane wrappers. Then when you are feeling like a sweet treat, you can enjoy one with everyone while staying on track!
Get outside and walk/play with your children. You can even have a friendly competition with your friends or family members for the day, have everyone track their steps with their apple watch, pedometer, or Fitbit, to see who wins!
If you are planning to attend an Easter celebration, bring a dish that you can enjoy along with everyone else. Get creative by making fun veggie tray or check out Janeva’s Ideal Recipes for ideas.
Don’t forget to stay hydrated!
*If you are attending a brunch or event, this is the perfect opportunity to bring those Ideal Protein Friendly deviled eggs! We have included the recipe below, be sure to stop by our office this week and grab some Walden Farms Amazin’ Mayo to complete them. Your guests won’t even know the difference!